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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Patriots and records

As you could see these are the patriots of 2007.The Patriots are about to set 5 records at 1 time.No team as ever been able to accomplish this.The records the Patriots are trying to accomplish are Randy Moss having 21 touch down catches and all he needs is 1 more to tie up and 2 to beat the record.Now Tom Brady need 1 touchdown pass to tie the record which was made ny Peyton Manning the Colts Quarterback.Which led them to the superbowl in 2006.So if Tom Brady gets 2 more touchdown passes then he will have the record for most touch down passes in a season.The patriots will all so get a recors if they win the lst game and have the record for most straigh wins in a season which was done in 1972 by the Dolphins.Hrd to believe i know

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