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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tiger kills 1 and maulls 3!

on December 25, 2007

a siberian tigres that was 4 years old named Tatiana escaped from her pen just an hour before closing time at the San Fransisco Zoo, and killed a 20 year old man and maulled two other men (around the age of 20) that were sitting at a table in the outside CAFE. when the police got there they saw the tiger attacking the almost dead man (he was saved). when the tiger looked at the police, it continued its attack. when the police moved even closer it started going towards them to attack! thats when they fired! “The purpose of the criminal investigation is to see if the tiger was able to get out on its own or whether there was human involvement,” San Francisco Police Chief Heather Fong said. Siberian tigers are an endangered species, with fewer than 400 surviving in the remote forests of Russia’s Sikhote-Alin mountain range, east of the Amur River. Another 600 are kept in captivity.
Four-year-old Tatiana was moved to San Francisco Zoo from Denver in the hope that she would mate with a male called Tony.
The tigress lived with Tony and three Sumatran tigers in outdoor enclosures, kept away from the public by a 4½meter (15ft) wide moat.

one year earlier arond the same day (2 or 3 day difference) a zoo keeper got his hand bit of during a public feeding!

zoo keepers hudle around the closed southern gate.
(after it was shot) dead tiger

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Patriots and records

As you could see these are the patriots of 2007.The Patriots are about to set 5 records at 1 time.No team as ever been able to accomplish this.The records the Patriots are trying to accomplish are Randy Moss having 21 touch down catches and all he needs is 1 more to tie up and 2 to beat the record.Now Tom Brady need 1 touchdown pass to tie the record which was made ny Peyton Manning the Colts Quarterback.Which led them to the superbowl in 2006.So if Tom Brady gets 2 more touchdown passes then he will have the record for most touch down passes in a season.The patriots will all so get a recors if they win the lst game and have the record for most straigh wins in a season which was done in 1972 by the Dolphins.Hrd to believe i know

Monday, December 24, 2007

Asus Labtop

As you could see ths is an Asus Labtop experts say it will be the best of its time which is comeing out in mid 2008.What makes this labtop look good is its made out of Bamboo pretty good for the enviroment they said.If i could get this labtop i woud get it trust me.
As you see one of the best labtops of its time.Its made out of bamboo and which gives it its good look.If i could get that labtop i would get it more then anything.Its a Asus Eco Book labtop I am looking forwrd to getting it

Sunday, December 23, 2007

As you see this is the new coffee table from Microsoft is is just a csreen from 5 to 10 thousand dollars.But this screen is no regular screen you can use internet plus picture you can play with the pictures with your hands plus it is waterproof

Alex Rodriguez break 500 homeruns

As you see Alex Rodriguez gets his 500th homerun and is in the 500 homerun club.He hits the pitch off of the Royal's pitcher.And also becomes the youngest player to ever hit 500 homeruns.Also is expected to break arrons record ihn 8 to 10 years

Saturday, December 22, 2007


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